Saturday 23 May 2015

Great Quotes toward entrepreneurship success: part one

According to Robert Hisrich…

“Entrepreneurship requires a deep study of the environment, possessing and developing the required skills, networking and an executable and fund-able business plans”.

Thus, change occur in every business.

“A lot of fellows nowadays have a B.A or Ph.D. Unfortunately, they don’t have a Job” – Fats Domino.

Great Quotes toward entrepreneurship success: part one

“Never fear shadows: They simply mean there’s light shinning somewhere”. Ruth E.Renkel

“Nine tenths of wisdom consists in being wise in time”.  Theordore Roosevelt

“Remember it is never too late to be, what you might have been”- George Eliot

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Navigating the seas toward real love: Part One

Imagine yourself on a platform, just swinging to balance. You experience the waves, working to manage the storms; then you realize that, “there is no love in fear, and no fear in love. There is no option than to keep steering toward the high seas of real love.
No one is perfect; we just need to direct our positive emotional energy into making our imperfections fitting. Since life is like being on a roller coaster ride, staying true to our sense of self is significant to loving genuinely.

Our existence as human beings who crave something deep and meaningful as love is not a coincidence. Rather, in our hearts, there is a space to be filled. It is a reality we must accept, for light to shine through and illuminate our surroundings. Every human being on earth was born with a heart of gold. In hindsight, nurturing that heart to keep growing and navigating the sea toward genuine love is at the foundation of what we do and our lifestyle and approach toward life.

Navigating the seas toward real love: Part Two

Despite how precious a relationship may be, both partners should know that, when misunderstanding arises, a third party can only contribute their best, the ultimate decisions rest on the shoulders of both partners to always sort out their differences and come to a mutual understanding. Therefore, following the right principles will go a long way in straightening things out. As we gradually come to terms with reality in all ramifications of life. Something must keep us going, notwithstanding. And for the most part, that something always happens to be passion.  Since love is a choice, it doesn’t happen out of thin air, something must drive it: what could this be?

Navigating the seas toward real love : Part Three

Anger is a vice that rolls up its head every now and then. Managing anger should not only be done from the surface, rather the source of it should be traced. We often find ourselves getting angry for no just cause. Even if it is to be a just cause, keeping it under control is necessary. It is better to let communication govern. It helps to express you in all matters. Make sure you understand the other person point of view before responding. But this is often not the case; as we want our opinions to be heard and implemented. This is why having a firm grasp of what the relationship entails is based on accepting each other for which we are keeps tensions at bay.

Navigating the seas toward real love: Part Four

Out of blue, genuine humility and constant patience will flow naturally, paving the way for a tolerant and compassionate environment. As things progress, your joy will glow and mirror your partner, producing a sense of peace in your relationships with people. Because the most dangerous thing that causes lasting damage to our relationship is pride.

Maintaining our sense of dignity should be kept intact. However, pride should always be put in check. When it is given a slight chance to take root, we begin to think so highly of ourselves and see others as non-entities. In a situation or place where we are expected to display such attitude, it makes more sense to avoid such, in order not to make ugly mess of ourselves down the line. No one knows everything, and in any case where you have nothing tangible or inspiring today; it is better to say I don’t know or keep shut. Evermore, be moved to ask the right people questions when you don’t know. Asking the right people in the sense that, they won’t have to make mockery of your circumstances.

Navigating the seas toward real love: Part Five

One of the ways to avoid strike is to do away with the source(s) of the problem. And if we could be diligent to trace back, it has to do with lack of fulfillment from the outset. Some got into the relationship for all the wrong reasons, and later on, we realize our mistakes, by then it is too late to back out. The only way a remedy can be attained is by acknowledgement and compromise. Be realistic of the times. If you got into the relationship because you saw that your partner was rich, and thing seems to have changed and have not met your expectation, you would need to accept this fact and work toward a real love.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Beauty is skin deep
Outside beauty reflects,
in shape and form
and appearance.
Changing as time
Making way for a
new day.

Inner beauty is a
reflection of the
soul and mind and heart.
Staying true to it's
Making way for a new

Tuesday 21 April 2015

Unlocking your hidden treasure

They say “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”.

 Mathew 6:21 NKJV

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”.
Your treasure can come in different forms, shapes or existence. No matter what you do, no matter where you go, your purpose is centered on your treasure, as much as your treasure is centered on your purpose.

Understanding this is crucial to finding a balance and living a fulfilled life.

21 Gospel Reggae Songs for your soul and spiritual upliftment
In a world of hustle and bustle. The mind need to be in sync with the soul. As the soul is the chamber through which we interact with the outside world. We need to always keep it refreshed and renewed. There is no better way than listening to good music that enriches and uplifts the soul. Good music is akin to a good therapy. In so doing, we have compiled a great list of Gospel Reggae songs to keep you in touch with Jah Jehovah, always…..
  1.  The Lion ===== Lloyd Brown
  2.  Let Jah be praised ==== Jah Cure

How serenity fosters your creativity
 There is nothing more relaxing than finding yourself in a serene environment. This creates an atmosphere that expands our imaginations and makes us tap into the unlimited resources that lies within us. Though, the experience is individual in nature.

Every now and then, I build serenity breaks by staying away from any form of negativity coming from anywhere that depresses the mind, spirit, soul and body. Thus, at a time of quite reflection, I re-examine and make good use of the truth that is beyond and above present plight and happenings. I think about things and people that add value to my life.

Love from a Bird's view

Do I call it fate or what ? From time to time , I tend to come across certain special lady that connects with me at a deeper level. It usually keep me on my toes. But it is always better to look at it from a different angle.
Just like the saying goes, “Birds of a feather flock together”.

As  a seed is planted to yield a crop, love is manifested with time, to be cultivated in due season. In actuality , it is based on purpose and passion. Thus, leading both partners beside still waters.

This reflects in our true feelings and emotions, therefore changing your nature for the better. Love can fade, if it is not centered on God that gives us the meaning and understanding toward our purpose.

Saturday 18 April 2015

Embracing your True Desire

Embracing your True Desire
If you do not know where you are coming from, you won’t have a concrete idea where you are going.  You will simply be a rolling stone that gathers nothing. But that should not weigh you down, for our experience; notwithstanding how unpleasant, can be a gold mine to tap into.

This fundamental change comes with a new mindset. You can be the person you truly desire to be. Sometimes what stops us from taking a giant leap is based on misplaced priorities. All of a sudden we wake up one day feeling disappointed and unfulfilled. In limelight, there is an African proverb that says “when one wakes up, is his or her morning”. Nevertheless, it is never too late to make a change. Only change is constant in life, so better late than never. 

Soul Venture
Our soul is the center that contains our true thoughts and feelings. Therefore, maintaining a sense of balance is crucial in every facet of our lives.

Religious leader David O. McKay taught, “The greatest battles of life are fought out daily in the silent chambers of the soul”.

Therefore, in any venture we undertake the true investments rest on the state of our souls. In reality, we need to embrace that which gives us credence.

Just like a picnic, as summarized in my poem, our souls work with the times;

            A picnic in time:

Yardstick of Success
Just as a seed is planted to bloom, so do we live to grow. With time, in due season, the seed germinates to a solid food that we eat for energy and to nourish our bodies. Similar to what is obtainable in life is our daily struggles to survives, live and succeed.On what platform it is done is based on your yardstick of success.

           As summarized in my short poem:
            Yardstick of Success